Hello Fellow Oldsmobilers,
Welcome to one of the oldest and of course the best “Car Club” on the planet! Well at least in our opinion!
The Oldsmobile Club of So Cal has been in existence for over 50 years and continues to give its members opportunities for great adventures in those wonderful Oldsmobiles. We have a monthly meeting on the 2nd Saturday of each month and we have one separate activity scheduled monthly for members too. Your families are also invited to attend our monthly activities. But the best part of our Club is you can be a member even if you presently don’t have an Olds. Your love of the brand is all you need to become a member.
We have two major shows each year. In October we have our Memorial Picnic and Car Show in Anaheim. In May we have our Pacific Southwest Zone Show which features our cars as well as cars from the NorCal Chapter and various other states. Last year it was held at Lake Arrowhead and this year we will be making the trip to Pismo Beach.
One of everyone’s favorite activities is our Holiday Banquet which is held at Lions Automobilia Museum in Rancho Dominguez. Other yearly activities include Cars & Coffee, Cruise ins, Private Museum tours, Veteran’s Car shows, Castle Tours, and gatherings at Member’s homes for some “Kickin the Tires” conversations.
One of the great things about joining us is our monthly newsletter which contains a bevy of information as well as for sale items and a place to post your own personal car items. One of my favorite aspects is the invaluable knowledge our members possess and their willingness to help with your build. Of course the ability to get hard to find parts is a bonus too. We have members who possess more knowledge than any shop in existence!
So again WELCOME and I hope you will join us and become part of our Oldsmobile family. You definitely won’t regret it!
Randy Hare